Thursday, September 11, 2008

Technologically Illiterate Teachers?

The blog questioning whether or not it is okay for teachers to be technologically illiterate was very interesting. I agree for the most part. In these times, it is crucial for students to have an in depth knowledge of technology. Students are able to be more successful academically and have more opportunities for college and career. When I was in 4th grade, my classroom had a computer. We used it mostly to play educational games and I did not have many opportunities to use it. By the time middle school came around, the only computer available was used for games as well. High school was no different, they had a computer program that tested our reading skills. Typing courses were given with typewriters. (In a few years, children probably won't even know what a typewriter is.) Needless to say, my teachers were technologically illiterate. We finally got the internet at my home, but it was dial-up and extremely slow. My point is, I know how it feels to not be prepared. I know intelligence is not simply based on computer skills, but I felt I was unprepared for college. I am extremely glad to be taking this course and have learned a lot so far.

As for the teachers who seem proud to be technologically illiterate, if workshops are available to teach them computer skills, then they should take full advantage of them. If workshops are not available, then they should be. (I also believe every education major should be given a class or two to learn everything they need to know about Foliotek...professors too.)

I believe that in order to be a good teacher you should never stop learning...this includes technology.

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