Monday, September 15, 2008

180 Days?

tired student
I read the April fischbowl blog titled 180 days. I viewed a power point that broke down how many days are wasted in an average school year. After fire drills, sick days, test prep, and other "non-instructional" activities, only 120 days are used for actual instruction. I agree that this could be accurate and quite a bit of time is wasted. But I must also argue that teachers must allow time for this. With standardized tests being the make or break factor in a student's academic career, time must be allowed to prepare. Student's must not only learn the material the tests cover but they must also learn how to take the tests, as well as how to deal with test anxiety. Students are required to take multiple standardized tests on top of the every day workload. Also, if we are going to subtract the time "wasted" we cannot forget to add the time students must spend studying and doing homework.
The majority of a child's day is spent doing schoolwork. Little time is left for children to play. Play time is crucial in a child's development. Play allows children to be physically active, explore, imagine, be curious and even learn. Adding more school days is not the answer.
Yes, much of the time in school is not used for teacher-student instruction. Time is not always utilized to its fullest potential. But, is the problem 100% time management or is too much time being used to teach how to take the test on what we teach...confused? are the students.

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